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iotBeginner's Guide to the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that refers to a variety of industrial devices and everyday gadgets which are connected to the Internet. It is a growing technology that has already become an integral part of our lives. This article will explain how IoT works, how it is being used today, and what you really need to know about it.

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dataBest Tips to Protect Your Computer Data

As the global economy becomes increasingly dependent on computers, so does our personal data. The Internet has allowed us to do so much, but the convenience of it all comes at a price: we are constantly at risk of having our information stolen. Here are a few simple tips you can use to help protect your computer data.

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wi-fiEffective Tips to Boost Wireless Signal Strength

Are you one of the millions of people who are plagued by a weak wireless connection? There are many reasons why that may happen. Often, your router is simply too far from where it needs to be. Read on to discover several proven ways to increase wireless signal strength, so that you can get the most out of your home network.

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futureArtificial Intelligence Will Shape Our Future

We have all heard it before: AI is going to change our world for good. And while that is true, we rarely think of the ways in which AI will change us. This article explores the future of AI, and how it will shape our lives in the next 10 years and beyond. I also want to help you better prepare for the changes that are coming.

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codeHow to Choose a Programming Language

I have been writing web applications since 2008. Back then, there were only a few options for creating a website. Today, there are dozens of languages that you can use to build what you need. Since it can be overwhelming to figure out which one is best for your projects, I will highlight the most popular web programming languages.

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antivirusKeep Your Android Phone free from Malware

The mobile app market is an enormous industry, and it is growing every day. In fact, there are currently more than three million apps available for download on the Google Play Store. With so many apps out there, it's easy to see why malware is such a big problem. Here are a few tips that will help keep your phone safe from malicious attacks.

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